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The meaning of People can't live without oxygen, can't live well without hydrogen

1. Why can't people live without oxygen?
Because oxygen is an indispensable substance in life.
Why oxygen is important to life, this is a gradually formed position in the evolution of life, but many people do not know why oxygen is so important to life. The reason why oxygen is important to organisms that need oxygen is because oxygen is irreplaceable, because oxygen is the only ultimate acceptor of electrons in aerobic cells. The so-called electron acceptor is an oxidant.

Oxygen molecules accept the four electrons produced by the metabolism of energy substances. Under the catalysis of cytochrome c oxidase, water forms with the four hydrogen ions. The final product of this reaction is the water that makes up life. A certain amount of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide produced by cell metabolism is released to the outside through circulation and respiration, and oxygen is transported to cells through respiration and circulation. This completes the cell's most basic energy metabolism process. Both the metabolites carbon dioxide and water can be treated and arranged. In this typical energy metabolism process, the supply of oxygen cannot be interrupted at all times, because only the presence of oxygen can enable aerobic metabolism to continue, and it is non-oxygen.

2. Oxygen is also toxic.
Oxidative metabolism produces toxic metabolites
The oxidative metabolism of matter is the basis for the cells to maintain normal functions. This process can continuously provide energy and raw materials for the cells, but in these processes, by-products that are harmful to the cells themselves are constantly produced. Of course, many so-called rich products also have biological effects themselves. In order to keep these substances working and reduce harm to cells, cells have evolved the ability to keep these substances at a certain level. As a whole, the body will also destroy Eliminate some aging cells to achieve overall functional stability. Nevertheless, it is difficult for us to avoid accidental damage, diseases and persistent aging. In these processes, toxic substances from the energy metabolism process, especially various reactive oxygen species, have toxic effects. Some of these reactive oxygen species can produce physiological effects, and some of them are very toxic and can cause oxidative damage to cells and tissues.

3. Redox balance is the basis of cell and body health.
Maintaining redox balance is the most important job for cells
The most important redox reaction of cellular material energy metabolism, so the redox balance in the cell must be an important aspect of intracellular homeostasis. The specific manifestation of cells maintaining redox balance is that, on the one hand, they constantly produce active oxygen, and on the other hand, they synthesize a variety of antioxidants through food sources or themselves, such as multivitamins and antioxidant protein molecules such as glutathione. Can produce many redox catalytic enzymes that regulate redox reactions, such as catalase. These substances and enzymes are also finely regulated by the cell's redox state. Once the cell undergoes oxidative stress, the cell immediately mobilizes the expression of various antioxidant genes, strengthens the cell's antioxidant defense ability, and restores the intracellular redox to a balanced state. Although cells can fine-tune the cell's redox balance, the consequences of oxidative damage under the influence of disease and longevity cannot be avoided.

4. Hydrogen can help cells maintain redox balance.
The selective oxidation of hydrogen is unique in that it can help cells reduce the toxic byproducts of oxidation and help cells maintain a good redox balance.

According to research, hydrogen is an important component of the earth's primitive atmosphere, and it is also one of the important substances involved in the birth of earth's life. In some extreme environments that exist today, such as deep-sea hot springs in the ocean, the biosphere there uses hydrogen as the energy source, just as plants on the ground use photosynthesis. In the soil and the large intestine of our ordinary people, there are many types of bacteria that can produce and release hydrogen. There are also some bacteria such as methanogens and Helicobacter pylori that can use hydrogen as food and energy substance. It is a matter of course that this substance, which plays a central role in the origin of life and the energy and material metabolism of lower organisms, continues to play an important role in higher life, including humans.

Now we have a large number of animal and human experimental results to prove that hydrogen has an ideal prevention and treatment effect on many disease states, and also evidence that hydrogen can indeed play a role in higher life processes. Because the medical biological role of hydrogen is still in the process of progress, it is difficult for us to accurately determine how big the role of hydrogen is. Based on the overall consideration of the current research, I think that hydrogen can have an important impact on our human health. More importantly, hydrogen, a simple structured gas, does not have any toxic effect on the human body, so this gas makes us live better, not at all.

In short, oxidative damage is the fate of oxygen-requiring organisms. As an effective supplement to the cell's own redox balance, hydrogen can exert the unique advantage of selective oxidation to restore the functional state of cells and reduce the consequences of oxidative damage caused by aging and disease.

From Qingsiyu

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