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Why do some people feel dizzy when drinking hydrogen water?

    Some people have noticed that drinking large amounts of high-concentration hydrogen water quickly and easily cause dizziness, it is estimated that the hydrogen water causes the blood hydrogen level to rise rapidly, resulting in the temporary suppression of oxygen transport (whether the hydrogen in the blood will affect the oxygen transport efficiency really needs to be studied).

    First recall the concept of blood circulation in junior high school physiology. The intake of volatile substances through the digestive tract is through the portal vein, the right heart, and then the pulmonary arteries into the lung tissue. Hydrogen in the blood diffuses outward from the pulmonary vessels into the alveoli. This process can cause the hydrogen concentration in the alveoli to rise rapidly and the oxygen concentration. Relative decline. After inhalation, hydrogen enters the alveoli and oxygen enters at the same time. This process will not cause the partial pressure of oxygen in the alveoli to drop. So inhaling and drinking hydrogen water cause different effects on the absorption of oxygen in the blood. Of course, if you drink more soluble xenon water, you should have a stronger hypoxic reaction. Drinking hard alcohol should have a similar effect. However, drinking carbon dioxide water (cola) will not have a significant effect, because there is a very large amount of carbon dioxide in the blood, and even a little increase will not affect too much.

    After drinking hydrogen water, the hydrogen concentration in the plasma will transiently (5-15 minutes) peak concentration. This concentration level is dose-dependent. The higher the concentration of hydrogen water, the larger the volume, the higher the peak plasma hydrogen concentration.

    After drinking hydrogen water, hydrogen first enters the gastrointestinal vein, then passes through the hepatic portal vein into the right ventricle, and then enters the lungs. The hydrogen in the blood around the alveoli will be quickly released to the alveoli, causing the hydrogen partial pressure in the alveoli to rise rapidly and the oxygen or nitrogen partial pressure. It is rapidly diluted by the sudden emergence of hydrogen, and the oxygen partial pressure drops, and a hypoxic reaction occurs. Verifying this speculation can determine whether the blood oxygen saturation has decreased transiently after drinking a large amount of hydrogen water. If this decline is related to drinking hydrogen water, this can be proved. Other similar gases such as helium, argon and nitrogen, methane can also be used for verification. Although drinking hydrogen water may cause a transient decrease in blood oxygen partial pressure, the response produced by this decrease is different. Generally speaking, the better the person, the stronger the reaction. This may be because people with good health have high blood circulation efficiency, which leads to fast inhalation of hydrogen, higher peak hydrogen concentration in the blood, higher partial pressure of hydrogen in the alveoli, and stronger effects of oxygen dilution.

    Why won't I get dizzy when inhaling hydrogen? Inhalation of the hydrogen-oxygen mixture will not cause hypoxia because neither the inhaled oxygen partial pressure nor the alveolar oxygen partial pressure will decrease. When inhaling pure hydrogen, unless a large amount of pure hydrogen is inhaled, the partial pressure of oxygen in the alveoli is generally not significantly affected, and hypoxic reactions are not prone to occur when drinking hydrogen water. It needs to be emphasized that the total dose when inhaling hydrogen is generally higher than drinking hydrogen water, but the hydrogen concentration in the blood can be very high transiently when drinking hydrogen water, and the level can exceed most of the cases of hydrogen inhalation.

From Qingsiyu

MUQI-Hydrogen ceramic ball and hydrogen water bottle OEM factory

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