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Why drinking hydrogen water makes you thirsty?

With the increasing understanding of hydrogen medicine by the public, people's enthusiasm for using hydrogen health products such as drinking hydrogen water and hydrogen absorption continues to increase, and the number of people using hydrogen is growing. Many people have produced a variety of effective experiences because of the use of hydrogen. For example, drinking hydrogen water has improved constipation for many years, hydrogen inhalation has solved long-term insomnia, and many people's blood lipids, blood sugar, and blood pressure have quietly improved, and hydrogen continues to surprise users. But at the same time, there are some strange feelings, for example, some people find that drinking hydrogen water will feel dry and thirsty. What is the reason?
Drinking hydrogen water and thirst is a little counter-intuitive. Because drinking water can quench your thirst, only drinking salt water makes you thirsty easily. Drinking hydrogen water is not salt water. How can you be thirsty? Of course not everyone will be thirsty for drinking hydrogen water. However, many people do say that drinking hydrogen water will cause thirst, and the higher the concentration of hydrogen, the more severe the thirst. It was once found in animal experiments that animals drink hydrogen water much more than ordinary water. I believe animals are thirsty and will not tell experimenters that they can only express their feelings by drinking more water. thirsty.
To understand thirst, we must first understand a concept, that is, the osmotic pressure of a solution, which refers to the attraction of solute particles in a solution to water. The size of the solution osmotic pressure depends on the number of solute particles per unit volume of solution: the more solute particles, that is, the higher the concentration of the solution, the greater the attraction to water, the higher the osmotic pressure of the solution; conversely, the fewer solute particles, that is The lower the solution concentration, the weaker the attraction to water and the lower the osmotic pressure of the solution. Osmotic pressure in body tissues is related to the content of inorganic salts and proteins. The osmotic pressure generated by inorganic salts is called crystal osmotic pressure, while the osmotic pressure generated by biological macromolecules such as proteins is called colloid osmotic pressure. Among the various inorganic salt ions that make up the extracellular fluid, Na + and Cl- occupy the obvious advantages in content, and more than 90% of the osmotic pressure of the extracellular fluid comes from Na + and Cl-.
Water is an important substance that constitutes the human body, accounting for about 60 to 70 percent of the human body mass. It constitutes the human body environment in various tissues of the human body, and protects and lubricates the human body. Water is widely involved in the metabolic processes of the body's digestion, absorption, circulation and other substances to maintain normal osmotic pressure of body fluids and maintain blood volume. The adjustment process of water is mainly reflected in the two indicators of blood crystal osmotic pressure and blood volume, involving the central nervous system and kidneys. The central nervous system is responsible for feeling whether there is a lack of water or electrolyte balance. The kidney is responsible for excreting certain metabolic wastes. It also has an important function to regulate the balance of water and osmotic pressure. We simply understand that this function of the central nervous system is the thirst center, which can sensitively sense the crystal osmotic pressure of body fluids.
When the body lacks water, the concentration of inorganic salt ions is high, which is manifested as high osmotic pressure. This signal can be felt by the central thirst center, and the brain will feel thirsty, which will cause the action of drinking water. This situation is more common when there is a lot of sweating, such as high temperature or fever in summer.
If you eat too much salt, the concentration of salt ions will of course also be high, which also manifests as high osmotic pressure. The central thirst center feels this situation, which is understood as lack of water, and it needs to be supplemented with water. And can help excretion.
If there is a lack of water and too much salt at the same time, although the lack of water and salt, but the osmotic pressure may not increase, obviously lack of water will not be felt by the center, will not feel thirsty. This condition is more common in severe vomiting, diarrhea, massive bleeding, or extensive burns. This is a serious problem that requires timely treatment.
Why do I feel thirsty after drinking hydrogen water? There are few studies in this area and it is not easy to answer at present, but according to the relevant research of gas medicine, this situation may be due to the special osmotic effect produced by gas. Dissolving gas in water is also a kind of solution and also has osmotic pressure, just because the cell membrane lacks barrier to non-polar gases such as hydrogen and oxygen, the gas is very easy to cross the cell, and generally there will be no difference in osmotic pressure inside and outside the cell . However, the above-mentioned gas enters the cell membrane is currently considered to pass through the gas channel. If the number of gas channels is small, there may be a difference in gas osmotic pressure inside and outside the cell. Of course, when drinking hydrogen water, hydrogen is quickly absorbed by the digestive tract, causing hydrogen concentration in the blood Transient high concentration, this high concentration forms a transient osmotic pressure change, which affects the thirst osmotic pressure receptor in the brain and produces a thirsty sensation. If you want to prove the existence of this phenomenon, you can use other inert gas to make a gas solution and let people see if there is a similar performance. In addition, this performance will quickly disappear due to the rapid decrease in hydrogen concentration.
Of course, there is also a possibility that hydrogen gas affects the secretion of salivary glands in the oral cavity. If salivary secretion is reduced, dry mouth will also cause thirst. If this is the case, the probable cause is that hydrogen gas affects the secretion of the glands or the nerves that innervate the glands.

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